11:47 AM

Virgin Yemen glamorous as some call it, or the island of incense, and the island of bliss, and Island Pond, and Pearl Island, and the island of chewing gum, and the island of blood brothers. 
each of these titles launched on the island of Socotra, Yemen's what this island of global stature as the most important natural reserve and a natural museum .. where announced as a nature reserve in 2000, and in 2008 was classified as a World Heritage Site, and is the island's most important of the four islands in the world in terms of plant biodiversity.


The island of Socotra archipelago Yemeni on the Indian Ocean, off the coast of the Horn of Africa .. located 350 km south of the Arabian Peninsula. And 380 km from Ras Frk province skilled closest point in the Yemeni coast.


The island has an area of 3,796 km ², and keep track of Hadramout province after it was currently tracking Aden. 
followed the Socotra group of small islands, including: Abdalchora, allowed him, studied, and Kraeil.


The population of the island in 1994 nearly 65.514 people, and its population of Arabs, the majority of tribes skilled, and some African populations indigenous to the island. 
mostly engaged in agriculture and cattle grazing and hunting, but some works in wool spinning, pottery, carpentry and manufacturing boats, and some simple leather industries.


Varied topography of the island between the mountains and hills and valleys and plains and bays as follows: 1 Central Plateau: occupy this plateau most of the island overlooking the coastal plains, in a gradual decline and divides the valley (de Azru) into two main sections: the eastern plateau and western plateau. 2 - Mountain: distributed mountains third-party scattered from the central plateau, and the most important chain of mountains called "Hjhr" of the north-east to south-west for a distance of 24 km, the highest altitude in the series up to 1500 m while the rise in the central areas up to 500 m. 3 Plains: There are two Shlitin namely: - the coastal plains of North "easy Hadibo" and distributed in different areas such as the head of the plains Mzhen - and the plains of the valley and the valley Derbaah Toan. - Plains Hadibo - southern coastal plains "Easy create", and is distributed as follows plains and valley Alho, and the plains of the valley Daazarhu. 4 valleys:There are a large number of medications and take paths several, according to the effects of the surface as follows: - valleys flowing north of the island in the sea, located to east of the city Hadibo, characterized Bahoadha small and normalcy short. - valleys that are in the north-west to the north of Mount anoint Mtalo. - valleys south flowing south of the island and to the east, the valleys with streams long pools and wide. Also located on the island of many of rocky headlands and bays task that exploit natural as ports.


The island is located between latitudes (12.18 - 12.24) north of the equator and longitudes (53.19 - 54.33) East Greenwich line, and this site near the equator made climate climate tropical nautical Generally, summer is long and hot, and the winter is short and rainy, Maximum temperatures between (26-29) C, and minimum temperatures between (19-23) C, and the average annual emissions between (27-29) C, and this gave the climate of the island privacy climatic features which make them enjoy the diversity in vegetation.

Historical significance:

I knew the island of Socotra since the beginning of the first millennium BC, one of the important centers for the production of goods holy, therefore, gained fame and importance as a source for the production of those goods that were used in ritual worship of the religions of the ancient world, where it was believed that the earth that produces goods sacred time, the land of blessing from the gods. And linked to the island in the ancient history of the Kingdom of Hadhramaut in the modern era was linked with authority to do so skilled Yemeni revolution. Given the importance of the role played by the island in the production of goods sacred and valuables from various Taiob and Pearl has had a presence in the books of travelers and geographers ancients, and continued news frequent across different historical eras. 
occupied by the Portuguese in the early sixteenth century year (1507), then occupied by the British, where it formed the island as a rear base for their occupation of the city of Aden in 1839.


Record on the island of Socotra, about 850 types of plants .270 type including settlers any there on the island and there is anywhere else in the world, as there is in the island's 10 species of rare plants and very endangered, and which listed seven types of them in the Red Book International Union for Conservation of Nature as the plants are very rare and endangered. 
, as there are many medicinal plants, such as cacti Alsagatri bitter blood brothers, which is one of the rare trees and very Jeraz and Euphorbia, and trees Dairy of which there are 25 type in all the world .. 9 of which are only found in Socotra, and also notes the spread of tree Alomth addition to palm trees.
As there are more than three hundred kinds of neighborhoods fungal taken from Socotra only place to live in the world.
Of the most important trees and rare plants in Socotra:
- Tree Blood brothers:
one of the rarest trees and plants endemic to the island of Socotra, coupled with the name of the tree on behalf of the island to its fame and importance since ancient times, grow in the high mountains, and heights ranging from 6 of 9 meters and is happening islanders incisions in the leg Vtsel including mucilage red color even leave dry and then collected and prepared for export. 
intervention in many industries primitive on the island, and is one of the medicinal plants used as a treatment, has been woven around the tree many legendary tales, which she grew from the blood of brothers Abel and Cain when it happened the first murder in history: As the blood which grew from the tree, including the tree that grew from the coagulated blood was shed from the dragon and elephant during their struggle to the death, and the common name of the tree when the people of the island (Arahib), and sometimes called "the blood of the Phoenix."

- Plant Farahl: legs more taller than an adult man and secrete a yellow liquid when cut hurts the eye, if the most crucial.

-nbat Alomth or Alomta: This plant produces waterless liquid when cut white grown in abundance near the local villages to be used for animal feed.

- Plant Krtb: grows on cliffs that are difficult to reach goats, and can reach sizes legs swollen to two meters in length and width, one of the relatives Althen.

- Tree "Xha": This big tree usually grows on mountain slopes and produces clusters of fruits Alasaria large.

- Plant patience Alsagatri - nice: a succulent plant known succulents dry learned patience from him bitter, and is used for the purposes of medicine as it comes from the island hundreds of years ago.

- Plant "Qmahm": characterized by swollen leg, but it is threatened with extinction because Alsoqtrien depend on it to feed their animals in the dry season.

- Wild pomegranate tree - Rhina: the only kind the relevant Pomegranate and I think scientists in the past that he is threatened with extinction, but it is plentiful on the island.

- Patience Yaher: This plant grows in the mountains, high altitude sites in wet and shady cliffs of a small-sized plants.
- Plant "grizzled": and can be recognized directly by the high trunk and its branches hanging down, and this plant produces high-quality wood construction.


In the latest study took place in 22 important site for birds in the Socotra archipelago, recorded 179 species of birds, 0.41 type including resident and proliferative in the archipelago, also revealed a study by the Organization for the Protection of Birds International, in collaboration with the Environmental Protection Council, to contain the Socotra archipelago 13 species endemic of birds do not exist anywhere else in the world, namely:
- Falcon pregnant Socotra: Socotra and called in "Nhima" a bird of prey up to 50 cm in length.

- African bird Grackle: Socotra and called in "Dvhan": a length of 31 cm, one of the rarest birds endemic there, and this bird is threatened with extinction due to very very small rallies on the island, and the breeding of this bird in the mountains, especially in the mountains of microscope.

- Bird Aljhna: The so-called "Qsags" size 71 cm long beak, dwells rocky hills.

- A bird "Alhazjh" Alsagtria: 10 cm in size and is an endangered bird, his voice is beautiful and distinctive and resides on the sand dunes with little vegetation.

- Socotra warbler: a length of 11 cm intense fear and shame to see it is one of the lucky because it does not appear to humans.

- Altmir Alsagatri "Jahjh": his beak curved down, it is more prevalent in the bird island.

- Bird Alhalha Alsagatri: length 30 cm square has a short tail and beak and a high wing with an orange patch.

- Little League Alsagatri or starlings Socotra: length 51 cm spread within flocks hovering around powers and cities.

- Egyptian Vulture: or so-called "cleaner" while his name in Alsoqtria "Susadh", a length of 60 cm, where fall and stay next to the visitor if he decides to break in somewhere, for eats, thinks that this bird will devour waste which throw visitor and quickly catches, also feeds on organic waste for the animals dead.

- Bird Alausag: Socotra and called in "Akecgna" a bird of prey, a small length of up to 35 cm and feeds on small animals.

- Goldfinch Alsagatri: This bird is not easy to see where resides in the land of timber trees on the island, commenting quietly singing or eat Nevertheless, it is striking when his flight because of the color of its tail and wings Asfran Alvaqaan, and has a beak is very strong, and size up this bird beautiful ( 51) cm.

- Grouse crowned head: and called in Socotra "keffiyeh" sizes up to 21 cm, said striped head and broad chest while female partner pale color.

- Dove palm or the so-called "Djojh": length of 26 cm and no where palm groves.

- Hook or palm Samama: The so-called "Hlamna" a bird spends most of his time in the air, flying wings lengthy resemble sickle, and up to 71 cm in size.

While there are a lot of other species, including: - Socotra cormorant: of endangered birds of Socotra to leave the south-eastern coast of the Arabian Peninsula in many times but discovered the first time in the island of Socotra so dubbed this name.

- Nawras Swedish "Dhmhin": live on the beaches and feeds on fish remnants left by fishing boats, and a length of 43 cm.

- Owl African or Indian: The so-called Socotra in the name of "Hgdan" sizes up to 12 cm, characterized by issuing voice is like whining every 4 seconds for the night, making it easier to determine their location.

- Grey Shrike "Dhaviva": feeds on insects, lizards, small mammals, and attached prey on thorns trees so-called "butcher"

- Raven Alsagatri "expressed": It is the only black bird on the island, a length of 50 cm.

Animals, reptiles and insects:

Of animals that reside on the island and invests population "civet cats," a wild animal, but do not eat meat but also feeds on the dates and the blood of chickens, and the benefits of investment as a source of material civet, a substance with a pleasant smell Kalmsk used by women as well as incense and lute, after being extraction of civet cat Socotra, are released to run away hiding among the trees and palm trees, and then re-caught after a period for the extraction of civet again. 
and resides in Socotra more than 600 species of insects and 60 type of spiders 0.7 Types of Aadidat legs, many of the crustaceans includes 4 types of rank Decapoda such as lobsters and cracks, as well as 38 type of equal legs and 100 species of snails wild .30 kind of reptile wild, while there are no amphibians variety in Socotra, has been scoring for four species of marine turtles, three of them you place their eggs in the beaches of Socotra.

Civet cats


Spread a lot of caves mountain in numerous locations of Socotra Island and its affiliated islands have considered a housing patterns for humans Alsagatri at some times of the year and where the rains goes some there livestock and cattle to distance them from the rain, and some goes in search of grass to Aanaamanm especially cow and sheep at times, and then return later to their homes. 
formed these caves by natural erosion and in some of them interacted factors "Giomaúah" where she worked for the water to dissolve the limestone and formed limestone columns hanging from the top surfaces of the caves in addition to the limestone columns rising from the bottom of the cave to the top, Generally, the most important cave "de den" in the plain, where we find is the largest in size, and can accommodate a number of families, as can a car carrying visitors access to the cavity inside the cave and move in and out without trouble.

These images of a variety of beautiful island of Socotra:

Finally, we wish to this island time elegance and beauty, and that keeps them away from God virgin messes by the hands of humans. And to preserve Yemen and its people and all the Arab and Muslim countries from all evil ..

Sources: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 ,

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