4:13 AM
May be affected by construction method teachings of certain religious to give experiences distinctive architectural, this vulnerability is evident in the Temple of the lotus. 
was the house of worship Baha'i in New Delhi, India, was designed by the architect of the Iranian Fariborz Sahba, were terminated its construction in 1986, this temple is one of the eight temples of the Baha'is in the world, received more than 70 million visitors since its termination, which makes it a more architectural landmarks populated of the world, and receives all of the different religions and beliefs. Photo by Futo-Tussauds - here in line with the teachings of the Baha'i designed the temple according to the structure of a pie with nine edges, located on each of three petals (leaves) of concrete covered with marble to form together 27 petal inspired by the shape of a lotus flower, and is considered one of the most cases of contemporary architecture simulation of nature. regulate securities spaces of the building and breaking it down to three, leaves the entrance, leaves abroad, leaves home. Photo by clindstedt - here leaves the entrance (9 papers as a whole) determines the entrances on the edges of the nine of the temple, the outer leaves form Bishop blanks subsequent following entries, followed by the stock interior that form the vacuum of worship main, approaching the stock interior of each other at the top of the temple but they do not meet, leaving slot heavenly glaze. temple was built of reinforced concrete and was Xsaah marble Greek, to appear from the outside as a flower lotus white, while the show from home style expressions, with a roof polygon in the spaces of worship.occupies the temple area of 26 acres of land, including a series of lakes nine surrounding the building . Photo by Dinudey - here I've got all of the building and the architect a number of international awards, and that of 2500 Asath practitioner (whey) This work is adequately equipped to be the global architectural masterpiece for years to come.

What do you think of this experience, and the manner biomimicry by architect? Source: Here 's rights cover image: © viewfinderview - flickr.com/photos/viewfinderview

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