11:36 AM

Japan has a good reputation all over the world, they are a completely different country from the West, interest in technology and a passion for great science and evolution did not Anséa customs and traditions, they are very committed to the country of their customs and ethics. 
Together, we will present behaviors exist only in Japan .. some of them sophisticated and meaningful, and some strange and incomprehensible! 

Rooms exile!

Many states have laws that prohibit the dismissal of employees without good reason, this is a big problem, especially in Japan, the only solution that enables companies to the dismissal of an employee is to pay him huge sums for the dismissal, and of course this is not satisfactory for businesses, but they did not surrender to the law, They devised a ruse very strange and sinister, to make the employee himself is that he wants to resign from the company, even if the price to give up all financial dues in order to escape! 

Large companies have already applied this idea such as Sony, Panasonic and Toshiba, the civil servant to be sacked are exiled to a room called "Room exile", and assigned tasks that do not serve any purpose, objective tasks that endure bored and perhaps madness! 

As if staring at the TV screen for up to 10 hours per day, for example! 

Mad is not it? 

Companies that use this technique aimed at the delivery of the employee to the highest degree of boredom and despair even wanted to resign, but will not get them only in exchange for ceding all financial dues, and this is the goal of the company!

Schools Without cleaners!

Children in all schools are accustomed to seeing the cleaners are doing cleaning work in the school every day, of course it is a necessary function and task to get rid of clutter kids, but this is not the case in Japan. 

Instead of hiring a worker to clean and arrange what Akhalvoh children from the chaos, the school holds that, by teaching children the importance of hygiene, and the need to rely on themselves and their sense of responsibility .. 

Not in a way the theory in a practical way, but also, every day setting a date for the kids to clean up the entire school! 

The goal is to teach them the importance of work and community spirit, can see such wonderful ideas in the Arab world one day?

Sleeping at work

Is that Ghafoot happened inadvertently while you work?! 
Perhaps strange position, but Ward would happen, has put you in trouble with your boss, it pays you money in exchange for your work does not sleep! 
But in Japan it became possible, pass your boss and you're drenched in your sleep and do not dare to shout back, or give you a warning, or a penalty or even discount days of confused heals Glèlè! 
In Japan, only the employee's right to sleep at work, they believe that if the case reached your sleeping during work, it means you are working so hard that you can not sleep in your house! 
This is what they call inemuri means siesta, and believe that the employee get on this siesta will bring him and his works in the mind of the net more!

Adoption adults!

Adoption of children known all over the world, and Japan come to the fore as adoption rates in the world, it is completely different in Japan, Most adoptions are for adults aged between 20 and 30, and, mostly men! 

The most famous cases are those adoptions are first ..: 

If the owner of a huge company does not have a son saves his name and the name of his family, immediately turn up for adoption, to become a legitimate heir bears his name, and assisted in the company's business, which will be headed after him! 

The second case is .. if he has a son, but finds that he is unable to manage its business, and that he would be lost without the slightest exertion years, a sense of responsibility, and then resort to embrace the father saw him as a very young man what was missing in his son. 

It is worth mentioning that the company owner Suzuki giant has to adopt a young bears his name and the name of his family, and that the adoption has allowed many of the corporate giants to stay longer, for example; Hotel "Zingero Chi" and recorded in the Guinness Book of Records as the oldest family business in the world, which since 1300 year, any successively by nearly 46 generation!


Withdrawal means avoiding social contact abnormally, this case were common in Japan, and occurs most often in males during adolescence.
Over the past two decades, the phenomenon of increased convergence of youth and their isolation from the outside world, which may reach for years!
Because of the spread of this terrible situation in this way, was set up a lot of psychiatric centers specializing in the treatment and rehabilitation of people with this condition, and who numbered 1.7 million!
There are cases last for several years and with the end of treatment, and from there to continue their indefinite.
And psychiatrists believed that this phenomenon will continue to exist and even more will be exacerbated because of the culture and habits of the Japanese, which makes it imperative for parents raising children and caring for them as children even if they have reached the age of reprehensible!
This is the impression that there is an old saw in the isolation of respect and appreciation for those who are older!

Innovative food

Japan invented known varieties of strange food, so it's become a huge industry, it's hard to explain how this food spread in this way, which depends mainly on being different and weird too! 

There are also plenty of restaurants and commercial Ashahralalamat has this experience, for example; chocolate Kit Kat known, has invented more than one hundred regions, which helped spread in an incredible way!

Hotels capsule!

Do you need a place to sleep days it while traveling without all those utilities that come with the hotel rooms? 
Do you think it's a waste of money? 
So these rooms innovative you! 
Japan provided a new innovation for those who are looking for a bed that is not only to spend the night, room-size reasonable enough for a single bed and a small TV, often these hotels of Doreen much like reservoirs. 
In addition to the advantage of the presence of Wi-Fi, and the cost of the room, ranging between 15 and 30 dollars per night. 
As for the vending machines, laundries and all of these facilities are generally shared by everyone in order to save space, and this allows for this kind of hotel providing 700 rooms on a small area

New Year's Eve and kfc

Most countries in the West have their own traditions to spend New Year's Eve because it is countries with a Christian majority, but in Japan only about 1% of the population is Christian, and their way of celebration of Agrpma be .. They stand in a queue for a period exceeding two hours to get a meal from KFC ! 
This is a celebration!

Operations distortion teeth!

All over the world, are considered dental asymmetric something embarrassing to many, and even if some people would like the process to improve their appearance, and often children are encouraged to use braces to repair misaligned teeth.
But over the past two years, it differed, became misaligned teeth asymmetric sign of beauty, so do a lot of women make it cosmetic surgery and is supposed to show the fangs are longer than the teeth!
Certainly celebrities are devised this fashion, as usual Kabrian people follow them, and is worth mentioning that the cost of this surgery cost $ 400!
$ 400 versus surgery distortionary!

Gratuities or (tips)

Tipping or gratuities or the (Tips) is a type of of types of bribery, but elegant way a little, is a common practice in North America, although it is a controversial subject, especially about who deserves to leave him extra money, and how much money's worth. 

In Europe, became the subject less than it was, and this idea is almost disappear. 

In Japan, the idea of no gratuities, waiters, hotel workers, taxi drivers and others do not accept it at all, so if you are given to the driver, for example, the more money you will be considered Kxramah on the person you are "shameless" and you deliberately insulting! 

They see that the money, which they blame for the service provided by you enough, and that any extra money is considered an unforgivable insult! 

To the extent that some tourism companies demanding tourists who left a tip for the waiter, for example, or any factor that the hotel longer to recover their money, they believe that the good service they provide is versus what you paid money, nothing to do so for the Tips! 

 Japan has always been a wonderful example of a role model for the behavior of people and manners, and that the reputation enjoyed by, and unmarked and successes in many areas .. 

And now; after I got to know these things .. Do you still dream of traveling to Araodk?

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