11:15 AM

Ya see any degree possible affected by lighting and the rest of the visual arts on the goal of building? 
says Marcos Zotes: 
"As an architect and an artist, I see that the traditional methods of work in the field of architecture is very limited in terms of economic and social conditions and the current political globally., and lay it out in blurred boundaries between different fields, and the exchange of knowledge we can find new opportunities for creativity and innovation. " 
of Marcos Zotes? What invented?

"Rafmögnuð Náttúra" is the formation of interstitial optical temporary and unique to the site, stirring interface Church of Iceland by dropping three-dimensional video is inspired by the natural conditions of Iceland and the unique architecture of the church. The goal is to transform the steady state of this famous teacher to the visual experience dynamic, attractive and interactive, and intervention through social activation for public spaces surrounding it.
architect and artist Marcus Zots (Marcos Zotes) located in New York, he worked side by side with a multidisciplinary team to convert the largest church in Iceland (Hallgrímskirkja Church) to form an interactive projector. © Hallgrimur P Helgasson and Marcus explains: Since his teenage years he spent skied and writing on the walls, was a permanent interest in exploring new ways to interact with the existing urban environment. Cities increasingly complex and exclusionary, and an urgent need to find new methods for reclaiming public spaces to challenge the limited uses outdated and that they were intended originally. © Ragnar Th Sigurðsson and this modulation wanted Ngaarahalh stability and Avatar of the church and temporarily converted into a social experience dynamic and interactive, and the idea is to Making people are comparing their urban environment daily with usability for other uses possible. been draft pick Marcus on to win the opening of the Festival of Lights for the winter of 2012, and to provide machined optical winner three weeks only, was Marcus gather a team of artists and designers in New York to cooperate with him in its inception. © Pétur Már Gunnarsson cooperation of several visual arts and multidisciplinary approaches to works of art, form the central core of the success of the work. Since the project presented a unique opportunity to discover new ways to produce creative, has been gathering a team of architects and designers, artists, musicians and performers, dance and video artists together to share their experiences, techniques and methods of design, to create a unified vision.

Source: here
's rights cover image: © Jón Óskar Hauksson

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