6:15 AM
Museum of Contemporary Art in the city of Niterói, also known as the MAC, designed by the famous Brazilian architect Oscar Niemeyer was ending its construction in 1996 this famous edifice of origin in the form of a dish located in the cliff above the Guanabara Bay in the city of Niterói, design and construction is very simple, but it can to put panoramic views of the magnificent bay within the framework of the windows provided by the design so that we get the most beautiful views as possible, and is one of the masterpieces designed by Niemeyer. Courtesy of Wikiarquitectura.com said Niemeyer, speaking from the site of the project MAC at the cliff "area was narrow and surrounded by the sea, therefore came this solution naturally ", and resulted in this natural solution Oualbdia building elegant curve that rises from the sea basin gracefully and offers panoramic views of breathtaking views of the surrounding nature. though the Museum of Contemporary Art often resembles a la carte space jumper, but the idea of philosophical Oalcharih for this configuration are emanations from the earth and grow and spread continuously, like a rose that you find a way to emerge and grow from between the rocks. structure high sixteen meters is located in the public square is paved, and can be accessed via the ramp on the shape of a spiral, covered with red carpets length of 98 meters. Sketch by Oscar Niemeyer. Image Courtesy of wikiarquitectura.com building with an area of up to 2,000 square meters has three floors, and sits on the cylinder diameter of about 2.7 meters swimming pool implanted within a depth of 60 cm so that the reflected image of construction on the water to give a feeling of lightness and agility. provide six main hall of 400 meters free space of columns, suitable for display and surrounded by views of the circular panoramic on the surrounding environment through the glass windows tend Bzawrh 40 degrees Celsius down. © Gili Merin a glimpse of construction materials and textures: the use of concrete pre-stress for the establishment of the symptoms, and the sidewalk outside the concrete helix has been colored painted Red with the walls of the side white color, was chosen as the white color of the cladding exterior and brushed flooring halls carpeted blue. used glass multiplier Tri was manufactured specifically for this project, each panel has a metal frame and inclined at an angle 40 degrees Celsius on the horizon, and can withstand the weight of 20 people. figure iconic uniqueness of the building around the city of ordinary city on the road traveling to a tourist city famous teacher visited by people to see the beauty and enjoy the picturesque scenery.

Source: here

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