4:04 AM

Giants Causeway is a contiguous polygonal columns lined up one after the other in a wondrous sight to the extent that they were considered the eighth wonder of the world.

Columns formed as a result of a volcanic eruption Old, but there are those who would prefer ratification mythology tales, a more convincing for those who prefer reality hotter.

Located Giants Causeway in Ireland on the north coast, including where County Antrim, Trast there are 40 thousand columns basaltic interlocking amid deep silence, and stood tall oddly like waiting for the drives disk drives and leads them out of dormancy for playing a symphony of life in front of crowds of tourists from all over the world.

The region has made an international reputation, and announced the first Giants Causeway World Heritage site by UNESCO in Ireland in 1986.

The photos do not expire, and later you will find many photographs are similar, but the camera's eye appeared her beauty from several different angles:

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