6:40 AM

Able architectural Zaha Hadid that turned her into a synonyms architectural innovation, there is hardly hear her name only and jumps to mind an image of creativity unfamiliar as we shall see in this project:
You may feel that this design vision for the future of one of the buildings, but a true picture of the Opera House in the city of Guangzhou, China. 
been the opening of this amazing building late last month to become the largest opera house in the south of China and the third largest opera house in the whole of China.
The project extends over an area of ​​70,000 square meters in the heart of the city of Guangzhou Province Kongdng southern China, and the design consists of two main masses:
Opera House is located near the Pearl River so inspired by this form of iron amazing forms of gravel, which lies on the banks of the river, and a streamlined design inspired exterior of the impact of wind and water on the rocks to look like carved out of the building!
As far as exotic exterior of the building as much as the extraordinary beauty of the interior:
Where she wanted iron flowing through those high representation of the effects of carving in the river valleys!
The main hall can accommodate in the house for 1,800 people, and includes beside the smallest multi-function hall can accommodate 400 seats to attend operas and plays.
The interior design depends on natural light entering from the windows of a triangular distributed brilliantly for the greatest benefit of natural lighting:
Wherever you look inside or outside the building footprint is going to feel Zaha Hadid in the usual smooth cruise lines that harmonize with each other in harmony adorable!
Zaha Hadid is the architect of Iraqi origin, holds numerous international awards, the most famous of which parallel the Pritzker Prize, "Nobel" in the architecture, becoming the first woman to get the award and those obtained from smaller!

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